Sunday, June 29, 2008

The Egotistical Altruist: A Walking Contradiction

The outspoken altruist takes pleasure (they will deny this) in placing themselves at the forefront of human kindness. Claiming slogans of self-sacrifice to be the only way, and rousing (false) courage develops an appearance of moral fiber, to which the altruist will thrive.

I will not deny my pleasure in being an egoist. I will not however attempt to tax favour from people for lulling them with empty rhetoric. I will not deny what is clearly natural amongst us. The altruist will place others above himself to edify, and egotistically gain satisfaction from it. The altruist will deny it. They will deny nature, and claim themselves bigger for it.

Hypocrisy! A rationally self-interested being borne out of nature, denying what is inherent in it (principally the supremacy of numero uno) for a clear motive of an expanded ego. A twat – no less.

I say this only for the outspoken altruist – those that wish others to be like themselves; these are the hypocrites – these are the ludicrous and obscene. These people push an ignorant vision of global self-sacrifice. Would much be left? Can a being survive by placing others, at all costs, above themselves? If one can’t, then what should stop a group – the world – following the same fate?

I fear a world in doubt; a civilization unsure of themselves and not capable of standing out or achieving. Blind subservience to a lost cause will not improve our condition, but, rather, altruism is a drain on society and a leech on progress that should be torn apart with wide scrutiny.

I maintain that any person requesting or requiring people to drop their values of self-worth and live for others, is acting as the bigger man and taking the moral high ground to lift themselves above the population and achieves (for their own selves) precisely what they want others not to do. A position much to be ridiculed for the ignorance of their arrogance is undeniably evident!

I had typed this rant a while before discovering an appropriate term (thanks to deadman) describing what we all follow, knowingly or unknowingly - "psychological egoism".

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